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Time to Come Back

A few words about my absence.

A fist during sunset
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Dear friends,

It was quiet for a long time …

First of all, I would like to say thank you; to you as a reader of my posts and to the 30,000+ people on social media from around the world who have continued to follow me in my absence. Not a matter of course in a fleeting medium. I appreciate the loyalty of each and every one of you all the more.

Thanks for that.

Some of you have known me for years and know that I’m neither a flowery nor a theatrical guy. However, I would like to say a few words about my absence.

In the last almost four years, like probably some of you, I have experienced the hard school of life again. I’ve learned what it’s like when people turn their backs on you and let you down. And I had to deal with the fact that these people also told lies about me to improve their position and take advantage of it.

Of course, it would be easy for me to say that everyone else is to blame. The contrary is the case — I am aware of my responsibility. I ended up letting these people treat me like that.

The most important thing is that today I can forgive myself and leave behind everyone who stabbed me in the back.

I’m grateful that I’ve had a handful of people around me over the past few years who have stood by my side despite everything. My special thanks go to six people and their families from the USA, Singapore, and Germany, and my best friend from the UK.

Finally, I assure you that if someone is entitled to something from me — in a negative or positive sense — I will pay my “debt.” But also be aware that this will not be done with the same appreciation I once showed you.

You have chosen your position, just like I did then.

“Never give up no matter how hard life is”

Stay strong!

Mike Flache
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Cover image: Richard Felix on Unsplash

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely the author’s opinion and not life, business, or investment advice – it is provided for educational purposes only. By using this, you agree that the information does not constitute any life, business, investment, or financial instructions. Do conduct your own research and reach out to life coaches, business or financial advisors before making any life, business, or investment decisions.
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